Mahkamah seperti 'reban ayam', hakim terpaksa buat gotong-royong

to find any excuse to not process the claim. It's now been almost two months since the accident and yet western general still keeps giving me the run around.This is very poor customer service and very unprofessional to treat people like this.Based on the yelp reviews everyone says talk to Denise T. I'm hoping that Denise from WG reads this post and reaches out to me to see if she can help. Before having to go the legal route. I will definitely be letting my family and friends about western general. and yet western general still keeps giving me the run around.This is very poor customer service and very unprofessional to treat people like this.Based on the yelp reviews everyone says talk to Denise T. I'm hoping that Denise from WG reads this post and reaches out to me to see if she can help.Before having to go the legal route. I will definitely be letting my family and friends about western general. by a driver who is insured by Western General. You think they would make the process smooth. Wrong ! instead they try to find any excuse to not process the claim. It's now been almost two months since the accident and yet western general still keeps giving me the run around.This is very poor customer service and very unprofessional to treat people like this.Based on the yelp reviews everyone says talk to Denise T. I'm hoping that Denise from WG reads this post and reaches out to me to see if she can help. Before having to go the legal route. I will definitely be letting my family and friends about western general. friends about western general. on the yelp reviews everyone says talk to Denise T. I'm hoping that Denise from WG reads this post and reaches out to me to see if she can help.Before having to go the legal route. I will definitely be letting my family and friends about western general. legal route. I will definitely be letting my family and friends about western general. Denise T. I'm hoping that Denise from WG reads this post and reaches out to me to see if she can help.Before having to go the legal route. I will definitely be letting my family and friends about western general. legal route. I will definitely be letting my family and friends about western general. Denise T. I'm hoping that Denise from WG reads this post and reaches out to me to see if she can help.Before having to go the legal route. I will definitely be letting my family and friends about western general. driver who is insured by Western General. You think they would make the process smooth. Wrong ! instead they try to find any excuse to not process the claim. It's now been almost two months since the accident and yet western general still keeps giving me the run around.This is very poor customer service and very unprofessional to treat people like this. Based on the yelp reviews everyone says talk to Denise T. I'm hoping that Denise from WG reads this post and reaches out to me to see if she can help.Before having to go the legal route. I will definitely be letting my family and friends about western general. still keeps giving me the run around.This is very poor customer service and very unprofessional to treat people like this. Based on the yelp reviews everyone says talk to Denise T. I'm hoping that Denise from WG reads this post and reaches out to me to see if she can help.Before having to go the legal route. I will

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